Diet in Santa Clarita CA

When you understand your metabolism you save time, money, and frustration in achieving and maintaining your ideal weight in Santa Clarita CA. Even with so many weight loss programs available most people rarely find the permanent results they want. With childhood obesity on the rise and 1/3 of American adults obese, we have a problem.
Obesity in Santa Clarita CA
Now we know that obesity contributes to heart disease stroke take to diabetes and cancer. And these killer diseases put an incredible strain on everyone’s healthcare budget. Since obesity also ranks as the number one cause of degenerative joint disease reducing weight now also reduces all forms of chronic pain and inflammation too.
Although most diets focus on treating the symptom of obesity, lasting results only occur with restoring health. While I used to believe that health was just a lack of disease I now know that health requires optimal function. And obesity, like so many other diseases, only represents a symptom of malfunction and not the problem. So restoring optimal function instead of making yourself sicker to lose some weight, for a few months, ensures the best results. Call us today for a Complimentary Consultation!
12:30pm - 5:30pm
12:30pm - 5:30pm
1:30pm - 5:30pm
12:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Santa Clarita Chiropractor
25050 Peachland Ave #105
Santa Clarita, CA 91321